Our Supported Living Services
18 Chiltern House, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FQ

The Supported Living Service will provide support and care to adult service users aged 18+ years old. Our experience and success in residential care which resulted in service users’ gaining independent living skills, has led to various placing authorities requesting a higher-level service, including some personal care. In excess of 20 people are employed with the necessary skills, experience and qualifications for the provision of services to individuals, with a wide range of support/care needs, including Learning Disabilities,Autism and Challenging Behaviour.
- Buckinghamshire
- Oxfordshire
- Hertfordshire
Our Promise
We are committed to the highest standards and quality of care with delivery based on a multi-disciplinary contribution, having at its centre the service users and people significant to them. In particular, we are committed to the development of positive lifestyles for individuals and for them to lead the fullest possible life within the community.
Service Users
Those we are able to support and care for:
- Age Range
- Gender

Range of Needs Supported
Services are tailor made for each individual service user; therefore, we can support a wide range of needs including: learning disabilities/difficulties, communication problems, challenging behaviour, mental health, autism and other associated health issues.
All service users will be involved in the decision-Service User Involvement & Consultation making process of how the service is delivered, including all daily routines within their home. Each person is given the opportunity to make their needs known, and those needs are identified and acted upon as part of their Individual Care/Support Plan and their Person-Centred Planning (PCP).
If due to the nature of their disability, a service user is not able to participate in decisions made about the service, then their relatives and other significant people are consulted, and the knowledge of the individuals’ likes, and preferences are reflected in the way the service is operated.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Service users will always be treated with respect and consideration given to the need for privacy. We are sensitive to the fact that due to the nature of the service provided, it can often be harder to enjoy privacy, when compared to living totally independently. Simple procedures can make all the difference to a service user’s quality of life, such as;
- Service users can lock their own personal areas
- Always knock on bedroom doors and bathrooms before entering
- Always wait to be invited into a personal space
- Service users have privacy in reading mail or during telephone calls
- Service users can dine and entertain privately, if they choose
- Consultations with professionals will always be private, unless invited
Contact Arrangements
We actively encourage service users to maintain current relationships and contact with their relatives, friends and representatives and develop new friends and associates, unless deemed not in the best interests of the individual. All potential and current contact will be discussed with those involved, a suitable record maintained and reviewed as appropriate. We are proactive in supporting service users to maintain family links where they exist, by facilitating home visits and encouraging relatives to visit. Service users who do not have relatives are supported to access advocacy services and develop friendships outside of their home.
Complaints and Compliments
We recognise and support the right of all service users to complain about the service, if necessary. There are no restrictions upon issues for complaint and we guarantee that no reprisal will be taken against anyone who complains. As detailed in our Complaints and Compliments Policy, our complaints procedure allows for both informal and formal resolution of complaints and all service users are supported to follow the procedure when making a complaint.
Social Activities, Hobbies, Leisure Interests and Religious Requirements
We will support service users to access their chosen social, leisure and recreational opportunities both internal and external to their home. This includes visits to local shopping areas, parks to enjoy picnics and walks, cinema/theatre and swimming etc, reflecting the service user’s interests, wishes and capabilities.
Read More...Quality Management
The quality of our service will depend on the quality of the management and abilities of the staff and registered manager. We strive to maintain high standards throughout the service delivery and our various policies and procedures provide suitable, accurate and up to date guidance on how to operate in accordance with relevant legislation, whilst protecting the health, safety, dignity and respect of our service users.
To do this we aim to:
Understand service users' needs
Provide suitable staff and enviroments
Promote best care values
Train and motivate staff
Constantly review policies, procedures and service delivery
Monitor plans, seek feedback and react accordingly